Professional Achievement Grant Terms and Conditions

Rasmussen University offers the Professional Achievement Grant (PAG) to students selected and sponsored by a participating Employer. The PAG program is funded by both the Employer and Rasmussen University. This grant is intended to help students avoid educational loan debt by funding a recipient’s direct education-related costs. Direct education-related costs include tuition for all eligible courses (limited to two repeated courses), Course Technology and Resource Fee (per course), book fees, and Administrative fees. If a student chooses to order course materials directly, the student will be responsible to pay the price and shipping costs. As such, the Professional Achievement Grant is only available as a primary payment option.

Students who choose to participate in the PAG program are not able to receive funding from the federal or state student financial aid programs (such as Pell Grant and Direct Loans); this is a condition of participation in the PAG program. The choice to participate in the PAG program is optional and students are always able to apply for federal student financial aid to determine their eligibility for these programs in lieu of participating in the PAG program. Students may apply for federal student financial aid before they agree to this condition or at any point during their enrollment and must complete the Net Price Calculator to receive an estimate of their federal student aid eligibility as part of the PAG application process and Rasmussen University will assist with these application processes. However, the choice to receive federal student financial aid will result in the student becoming ineligible for the PAG. As such, the student would then be responsible for any and all charges incurred for future courses outside the PAG.

Please note the PAG is not retroactive to current or prior enrollments. Eligibility is determined through completion of the employer web form. Participating students agree to authorize Rasmussen University to release employer-required academic and enrollment information to the Employer.

Students will become ineligible for the PAG if they receive more than two (2) allowances (defined as any course that is not eligible for reimbursement through the Employer’s policies, including any unsuccessful grades of “F,” “WF,” “W,” or below a “C-” for courses) during their program of study or if they violate policies as outlined in the Rasmussen University Catalog. Students must also abide by all applicable Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards. Students are expected to understand, meet, and abide by any Employer requirements in order to continue to receive PAG benefits. Rasmussen University or the Employer may remove a student from the PAG at any time. If the student becomes ineligible for the PAG for any reason, the student can either pay cash or seek other funding sources to pay tuition and fee expenses, including federal student financial aid programs.

All required PAG forms (detailed below) must be completed, submitted, and approved prior to application for each new participating student. In addition, the PAG Waiver and Disclosure Form and Net Price Calculator Results must be re-submitted every twelve months to continue participation. The PAG benefits continue as long as:

  1. The student continues to meet the employer’s eligibility requirements,
  2. The student has not completed their degree (continuation to a new program will require a new application), and
  3. The student does not elect to discontinue participation in the PAG program.

Students must send all required forms to their assigned Academic Advisor for verification at least seven days prior to the start of classes for each applicable 12 month period.

Documentation required for the Professional Achievement Grant:

  • Professional Achievement Grant Disclosure and Waiver (must be completed annually)
  • Student Professional Achievement Grant Acknowledgement
  • Student Finance Agreement indicating Professional Achievement Grant
  • Net Price Calculator Results, including the Shopping Sheet and Data Summary (must be completed annually)
  • Professional Achievement Grant Student Payment Authorization (if applicable)

The Professional Achievement Grant may not be combined with other grants or scholarships offered by Rasmussen University.

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