Educational Benefits for Your Organization

Educational Benefits for Your Organization

Achieve business and workforce goals

Develop, attract and empower a skilled, motivated and educated workforce prepared to meet the particular needs and challenges of your organization through flexible, career-relevant programs built for working professionals.

  • Retain your current workforce
  • Boost employee satisfaction and morale through opportunities for continued learning
  • Expand employee skills to meet company needs
  • Respond effectively to market demands
  • Distinguish your organizational benefits offering to recruit new talent
  • Prepare for the future with education that enables effective succession planning

Through an alliance with Rasmussen University, your employees could receive tuition savings to help them earn their next degree, and we'll provide you with informational materials to promote the opportunity.

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How Quality Programs Benefit Your Organization

Clear Education Path

Many degrees transfer seamlessly into the next-level degree. Our degree laddering approach offers clear pathways for continuous learning and skill building.

Transferable Skills

All degree programs embed key soft skills, including communication, critical thinking, digital fluency, diversity, equity and inclusion, ethics and professional responsibility, and information literacy.

Finish Faster

Through accelerated programs, flexible course schedules and credit for prior learning, Rasmussen University helps your employees finish faster so they can put their knowledge into action.

"Our employees who have pursued higher education with Rasmussen have been able to showcase high-level critical thinking and efficiency in their job duties. There seems to be a better sense of providing excellent care for our residents, which speaks highly of the instructors at Rasmussen."

Recruitment Specialist
Monarch Healthcare Management

How Employees Benefit


Qualified employees of alliances can access tuition grants, additional savings and seamless transfer policies to help bring education within reach. Paired with tuition assistance options, students could save up to 20% on tuition or pay little to no out-of-pocket cost. 1


Students can earn a degree on their schedules—with online programs, credit for prior learning, self-directed assessments and competency-based education all providing ways to advance their education while working full time.


Online nationwide and with 20+ campuses in six states, we provide award-winning support for student success. Along with 24/7 tech support, librarians, advisors, and mentors or tutors available evenings and weekends.

Request Information

I’m ready for the next step!

If you’re responsible for your company’s educational benefits, let’s talk about:

  • Tuition grant options
  • Degree programs that match your organization’s needs
  • Outreach and promotional support we can provide

Reach us at [email protected] to start the conversation.

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